Original Research

Research and development in haematology. A report on international congresses and visit to academic centres in Europe

Lucille Wood
Curationis | Vol 13, No 1/2 | a298 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/curationis.v13i1/2.298 | © 1990 Lucille Wood | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 September 1990 | Published: 26 September 1990

About the author(s)

Lucille Wood, Chief Professional Nurse from The University of Cape Town Leukaemia Centre and the Department of Haematology, Groote Schuur Hospital., South Africa

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I have recently had the opportunity to present departmental research at the International Bone Marrow Transplantation Meetings and to visit a number of academic centres overseas. This report summarises those experiences, with particular emphasis on the role of the professional nurse in research and development as it applies to contemporary haematology.


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Crossref Citations

1. A Comparison of Role Expectations and Communication Styles between Transplant Coordinators and Transplant Staff Nurses
D. Paris, C. Smith, J. Carlson, W. Aussi, K. Bak, C. Emmett, T. Kwan, S. Pennington, M. Lancaster, W. Paris
Journal of Transplant Coordination  vol: 8  issue: 2  first page: 119  year: 1998  
doi: 10.1177/090591999800800211