Original Research

Individual determinants associated with utilisation of sexual and reproductive health care services for HIV and AIDS prevention by male adolescents

Omari Shabani, Mary M. Moleki, Gloria G.B. Thupayagale-Tshweneagae
Curationis | Vol 41, No 1 | a1806 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/curationis.v41i1.1806 | © 2018 Omari Shabani, Mary M. Moleki, Gloria G.B. Thupayagale-Tshweneagae | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 April 2017 | Published: 31 July 2018

About the author(s)

Omari Shabani, Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, South Africa
Mary M. Moleki, Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, South Africa
Gloria G.B. Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, South Africa


Background: Adolescent sexual and reproductive health is one of the essential health care programmes in the world. However, adolescents still face numerous challenges in the area of sexual and reproductive health, which hinder their utilisation of available Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare Services (SRHCS). Male adolescents face further obstacles in accessing and utilising sexual reproductive health services owing to the influence of social constructions of masculinity, which has a bearing on how they view sexual and reproductive health services and their use.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate individual determinants associated with utilisation of SRHCS for HIV and AIDS prevention by male adolescents.

Method: An exploratory, descriptive and contextual qualitative design was used and semi-structured interviews with 20 purposively selected male adolescents aged 18–24 years living in the South African seat of government were conducted. Data were analysed using Tesch’s approach of data analysis.

Results: Knowledge of existing services was described as a significant individual determinant of utilisation of SRHCS. This was linked to the quality of SRHCS and violation of human rights of male adolescents.

Conclusion: The study recommends the development of a strategy that will enhance and promote the utilisation of SRHCS by male adolescents.


Male adolescents; Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Services (SRHCS); utilisation of SRHCS


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Crossref Citations

1. A Systematic Review Exploring the Psychosocial Factors Affecting Adolescent Access to HIV Treatment Services
Tarique Variava, Jennifer Watermeyer
Adolescents  vol: 3  issue: 1  first page: 10  year: 2022  
doi: 10.3390/adolescents3010002